
Christian Copywriter Specializing in:

  • Personal and Professional Growth and Development

  • Leadership Development

  • Outside-of-the-box thinking and strategy

  • Non-Profit Exposure & Fundraising

  • Faith-Based Education & Inspiration

A Couple of My Favorite Things

  • Cats & Coffee

Copy that Converts, Engages, and Inspires

while maintaining your Christian mission, vision, and values!

Get website copy that draws in customers like the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the house first thing on a Sunday morning.

Engage your online community

Expand your business

Ensure customer sales

You’re a passionate business owner with Determination to Succeed!

You have a message and a product that inspires, impacts, and influences.

Yet, getting your message and your product past all the “noise” and IN FRONT OF your potential customers takes countless hours you don’t have.

That method, my friend, causes you unnecessary stress and robs you of precious time - and let’s face it, still doesn’t always get you the results you need.

You need your voice heard

Your message seen

Your product signed, sealed, and delivered!

How can a copywriter help the world see my value and pay for it?

That’s a great question, with a SIMPLE answer!

An answer that will free your time and increase your reach and revenue!



Why has getting paying customers been so hard?

Well, like most consumers out there, people want to know they are pouring their hard-earned dollars into is exactly what they want and what they need!

Of course, you have exactly what they want and need.

Unfortunately, without strategic copy, your message and your product blends in with the millions of others out there and may or may not ever land before the eyes of clients that can be yours!

More than 85 percent of consumers research products online before making a purchase - that’s why it’s important that your customers be able to find you AND find you easily and efficiently!


It really boils down to having a solid strategy that fills your website with relevant and quality-rich content that makes your website easy to find AND impossible to scroll past!

Okay, how?

You need a CLEAR CALL to ACTION and CONTENT that ensures sales!

Your message and your products are valuable!

You need to stand out - it’s key to meeting your GROWTH goals, expanding your customer base, and increasing your profits.

It’s really that Easy!

Yep, how?

  • Engaging Emails - Yes, it can be as simple as emails with a strategic design that capture your customers’ attention!

  • SEO Optimized Blog Posts - Words are powerful and an increase in blog posts with Search Engine Optimized wording WILL bring your customers to your website and get them to keep coming back!

  • Landing Pages - Strategically Crafted Landing Pages will capture your audience’s attention and create the perfect atmosphere to inspire conversion!

  • Sales Pages - This type of copy is created with one mission in mind … to secure sales for your product! A well-written Sales Page will increase your conversion rate BEYOND what you thought possible!

  • Lead Magnets - The not-so-secret, secret sauce to capturing your bread-and-butter email addresses! The creation of a masterfully crafted Lead Magnet will have potential customers throwing their email addresses your way!

These are just a few ways to:

…get your voice heard

… your brand capturing much-needed attention

… and your products in the hands of your customers!


47% of consumers review AT LEAST 3 to 5 pieces of content BEFORE making a purchase!

Adding blogs to your website is a proven way to:

  • Engage your customers

  • Organically advertise your business and products

  • Build rapport with your customer base

  • Drive traffic to your website

Let’s get blogging!

Engaging Emails

72% of customers prefer email as their main channel for business communication?

Engaging emails with:

  • strong subject lines

  • strategic outlines

  • relatable and persuasive content

WILL help you grow a foundation of engaged and paying customers!

Direct Sales Copy

Want to get your customers’ attention and their buy in?

I thought so!

Good Direct Sales Copy does just that!

Direct sales:

  • Gets attention

  • Engages the customer

  • Persuades customer buy-in

  • Calls the customer to ACTION!

Don’t let another moment slip by that you aren’t getting your customers’ attention and commitment.

Let’s get started on your Direct Sales copy today!

It’s just that simple!

Dreams Interrupted by Hope Cross_Page_1.jpg

Faith-Based Inspiration.

In need of faith-based inspiration? Let’s collaborate!

I’ve been writing for over 20 years and have been developing small-group faith-based curriculum and Sunday School material for over 12 years!


Content Development

Have a great curriculum idea but not enough time to develop it?

I’ve successfully developed curriculum for Motivational Interview Training for Foster Care and Motivational Interview Training for Workforce Development with over 100 pages in the Facilitator’s Guide as well as the full Participant Guide.

What People Are Saying


“Hope is amazing to work with and her own story is beyond inspiring. I will definitely work with Hope again and look forward to watching her flourish.”

— Julia, Intentionally Focused Christian Life Coach

“As a business owner, I interact with people trying to "sell me" their services every day. My experience with Hope Cross was much different. She listened, asked questions, and was open to my needs, even as they changed throughout the process. Hope didn't just provide a service; she took time to understand my mission and vision. I felt that Hope cared, and because of that the final product could have been average. Fortunately for me, not only was my experience excellent, but the final product far exceeded my expectations. I will definitely use Hope's services in the future.” 

— Curtis Campogni, Speak4MC

“Hope was extremely professional and delivered high-quality work for my lead magnet. It helped that she had extensive nonprofit experience which is something I sought.”

— Matthew Stover, Stover Creative Agency

“Before I hired Hope, I was inconsistent in blogging and emailing.  I knew something needed to change to serve the women on my list.  So, I reach out and was referred to Hope.  It was truly God working!  She immediately knew what I needed and how I wanted to serve.  From the first blog and email, open rates have increased.  Now, not only are the women getting amazing content, but my list is growing and more women are finding me.  The burden she has taken off of me is huge.  Now, I have the space and focus to serve my clients more impactfully.  I highly recommend working with Hope!”

— Amanda Kaldor, Christian Life and Weight Loss Coach

“I would love to continue working with you. I really love your intention and attention to detail and want to carry that through all of my content. Thank you again for your thoughtfulness on this project, I can't wait to publish and share with the world!”

— Warren, Business Coach


I started my writing career as a “Jackie of all trades” for the Lake Placid Journal when everyone was responsible for type-setting, ad sales and design, pagination and layout, photography, interviewing and writing as well as printing and rolling papers in the back. I absolutely loved every minute of every venture and was often told I have “Vitamin I” in my blood. I later discovered that meant “ink” and a love for the written word.

I eventually became noticed by The Sebring News-Sun, owned and operated by the New York Times when I was a young Journalist, and was promoted to the business writer, feature writer, and front page news writer.

My love for writing traveled with me as I entered into juvenile justice work within the fields of criminal justice, social work, education, as well as transition and re-integration services in the non-profit realm. I’ve been able to utilize my abilities to support profit and non-profit growth and program development.

I’ve written and published curriculum related to Motivational Interviewing for Foster Care, Motivational Interviewing for the Workforce, Small Group Course Content, as well as authored a small group, faith-based book featuring a series of inspirational studies and stories titled Seeds of Hope. I am in the process of writing a second book to accompany this title.

Let’s Connect!