How to Build Resiliency as a Christian: Chapter 1

by Hope Cross

Have you ever found yourself walking through a season of struggle in life and your Christian friends tell you to “just pray and have faith?”

Though your fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord mean well, and this advice is in fact excellent and biblically sound, there are times we need a little more to help us through. That’s where knowing how to develop spiritual and physical resilience comes in – and the Bible tells us exactly how to do this.

Some believe you are either born with resiliency, or you’re not. Others believe resiliency is cultivated within you as a child. The truth – we are born with a certain set of characteristics and strengths and additional resiliency can be developed in us as children with the right set of nature and nurture factors. However, this does not mean we are without hope if we’ve found ourselves as adults with a weakened resiliency system.

Resiliency is defined as the ability to make it through hard times, the ability to bounce back. It’s very much like a muscle. If we find ourselves lacking what we need to survive and thrive, it can be developed. Let’s turn to the Word of the Lord to learn how.

Chapter 1: Identifying a Sense of Purpose

First and foremost, you might notice that those who seem to fight their way through the biggest battles seem to have a solid sense of purpose in their lives. We see this in the lives of many men and women in the Bible. I have a few of my personal favorites I often look to when I need a reminder of my purpose.

Joseph – He seemed to know from a young boy that he had a purpose in life, and he maintained that sense of purpose despite the rejection and betrayal of his brothers, having to serve as a slave in an unknown land, and being thrown in prison for a crime he did not commit. Joseph’s purpose helped him make it through the pit and the prison and all the way to the palace … where he served strongly in his purpose.

David – He started his journey in life with a dirty, filthy, stinky job tending sheep. It was a job that didn’t bring power and prestige and it certainly wasn’t looked upon as an honorable task in his time. It looked hopeful he would make it out of this place in life when he took on the mighty Goliath and defeated the enemy of his people. But the story didn’t go as smoothly as many would have hoped. He did make it to the palace, but then quickly found himself on the receiving end of the King’s scorn and running for his life. Despite his circumstances, David’s strong sense of purpose, to seek after the very heart of God, kept him and eventually propelled him to his rightful place as King.

Gideon – I took notice of Gideon when the enemy was working to destroy his people. While others were hiding in fear, Gideon was busy threshing wheat so this his people would have food. One may have thought Gideon was a leader of the people, which is why he was doing this dangerous task. But, in fact, Gideon was considered the “least of the least.” With no title and no limelight, this “nobody” named Gideon was driven by an internal purpose to ensure his people survived in the way of food. It was in that place of seemingly invisible purpose; God called him to lead his people with an even greater purpose.

These are just three Biblical examples of those who made it through life’s trials with, and maybe even because of their sense of purpose.

The very foundation of being able to make it through hard times and bounce back when life is hard and feels unbearable, is to have an unwavering sense of purpose.

“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 KJV

You were formed in your mother’s womb, and He has called you to a great purpose in your life. You may not have a big picture understanding of what that purpose is right now. Neither did Joseph. But remember, in your deepest pit and in your darkest prison, God has a palace destination in store for you -  your life and your story can preserve His people.

Take hold of that knowledge and never let it go!


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